Pruzhany, ul. Mitskevicha, 27 (016 32) 3-41-80, 3-42-95

X-Ray Department

Звезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активна

The department has the following equipment: Vision-Moviplan unit, Pulmoscan 760-O unit, Basik100-30 unit, RadiusR-9 surgical X-ray unit and EndosASP dental X-ray unit.

Chief of the Department
Anastasia N. Fasevich


Staff room: (016 32) 2-13-52

Working hours:

Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.45pm

Cleaning time from 1.00pm to 2.00pm

Saturday from 9.00am to 1.00pm

Sunday and official holidays are the days-off.

The key objectives of the department are:

  • to provide medical care;
  • to use the latest and the most effective diagnostic techniques;
  • to carry out preventive activities;
  • to promote personal hygiene and healthy lifestyle.

The staff of the department:

  • Tatyana A. Pinchuk, 1st qualification category radiologist;
  • Anna S. Semenyak, radiologist
  • 1st and 2nd qualification category X-ray technicians

The specialists of the department carry out X-ray examinations of:

  • the organs of the chest cavity and the gastrointestinal system (esophagus, intestine, including double-contrast examinations, enterography, double-contrast irrigoscopy, small bowel series);
  • the organs of the chest cavity and the musculoskeletal system, including examination of the peripheral skeleton, spine, scull, ribs and other organs (survey urography, survey abdominal X-ray, X-ray of the paranasal sinuses), as well as special examinations (scull in special positions, AP stress projection).

To undergo a diagnostic X-ray examination, a patient shall provide a doctor’s referral. Children under 17 and pregnant women may not undergo preventive fluorography.

X-ray images may be issued to an attending physician or a radiologist by request. A relevant entry is made in the X-ray image register. An issuer specifies the recipient’s name. To get an X-ray image with a view using it outside the outpatient clinic, the applicant shall get an approval from the Chief Physician or the Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Activities and shall provide the official request from a healthcare provider or investigative authorities. Such X-ray image may be used outside the outpatient clinic for 3 month only.

A patient shall fast before undergoing fluoroscopy of the esophagus, duodenum or stomach.

Dental X-ray is carried out on a paid basis.

  • 14 12 17 10 13 reng1
  • 14 12 17 10 14 reng2
  • IMG 8255
  • IMG 8260
  • IMG 8263
  • IMG 8310
