The improvement of health and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among population is the key goal of the social policy of the Republic of Belarus. To achieve the goal, the government develops and implements numerous national programs on demographic safety, revival of villages and towns.
Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle
The improvement of health and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among population is the key goal of the social policy of the Republic of Belarus. To achieve the goal, the government develops and implements numerous national programs on demographic safety, revival of villages and towns.
Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle
The improvement of health and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among population is the key goal of the social policy of the Republic of Belarus. To achieve the goal, the government develops and implements numerous national programs on demographic safety, revival of villages and towns.
Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle
The improvement of health and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among population is the key goal of the social policy of the Republic of Belarus. To achieve the goal, the government develops and implements numerous national programs on demographic safety, revival of villages and towns.
To arrange an appointment with a physician, please, visit the reception (from 7.30am to 8.00pm on working days and from 9.00am to 3.00pm on Saturdays) or call us at:
The department of trauma surgery was opened in 2009. It is located on the first floor of the surgery facility of Pruzhany Central District Hospital. The capacity of the department is 25 beds.
The department of internal medicine was founded in 1964. It is the division of Pruzhany Central District Hospital. The specialists of the department provide medical care to therapeutic patients.
The department has the following equipment: Vision-Moviplan unit, Pulmoscan 760-O unit, Basik100-30 unit, RadiusR-9 surgical X-ray unit and EndosASP dental X-ray unit.
The specialists of the department of surgery provide inpatient surgical care to the citizens of the city and the district. The capacity of the department is 30 beds. It is located on the 3rd floor of the surgery facility.
The patients of the department of pediatrics are the children of 0 to 18 years of age. The capacity of the department is 30 beds. It is located in Pruzhany Central District Hospital.
The staff of the department includes 10 Doctors of Dental Surgery (DDS) and 4 general dentists. They provide therapeutic, orthopedic, surgical, orthodontic and periodontal care.
The department of neurology was established in 1979. The capacity of the department is 45 beds, including 5 beds for the patients with vascular pathology.
The department of anesthesia and intensive care was established in 1987. The specialists of the department perform all types of anesthesia and provide intensive care to the patients with severe conditions and intoxication.
We have a multi-purpose clinical laboratory, where a range of general, hematological, immunological, biochemical and serological tests are carried out. It is equipped with hematological, biochemical and enzyme-immunoassay analyzers, spectrometers and photometers. The results of the tests are provided in a short time.
The department of obstetrics and gynecology is the division of Pruzhany Central District Hospital. The staff of the department includes 3 physicians and 6 paramedics. The capacity of the department is 50 beds: 30 beds are for obstetrical needs and 20 – for gynecological patients.
The ID specialists provide 24/7 medical care to all patients with infectious diseases. The department of infectious diseases occupies a separate building and has the capacity of 20 beds. There are private wards, semi-private wards and boxes for three patients in the department. We treat acute intestinal infections, respiratory infections, acute and chronic hepatitis, meningitis, tick-borne infections and other infections.
Дни и время приема граждан и юридических лиц
Фамилия, имя, отчество
Адрес управления, № кабинета, № телефона прямой линии
1,3 среда месяца 8.00-13.00
Михаловский Виктор Павлович
Начальник управления
г. Брест, ул. Красногвардейская, 7 каб. №15, 2-й этаж, Тел. (0162) 57 43 57
Макар Наталья Викторовна
Первый заместитель начальника управления
г. Брест, ул. Красногвардейская,7 каб. №12, 2-й этаж, Тел. (0162) 57 43 90
Горегляд Дмитрий Александрович
Заместитель начальника управления
г. Брест, ул. Красногвардейская, 7 каб. №16, 2-й этаж, Тел. (0162) 57 43 56
Понедельник 8.00-13.00
Приступчик Александр Владимирович
Начальник отдела организационно- кадровой и правовой работы
г. Брест, ул. Красногвардейская, 7 каб. №21, 2-й этаж, Тел. (0162) 57 43 99
Вторник 8.00-13.00
Лыскович Александр Васильевич
Заместитель начальника отдела лечебно-профилактической помощи населению
г. Брест, ул. Красногвардейская, 7 каб. №17, 2-й этаж, Тел. (0162) 57 43 92
Понедельник 8.00-13.00
Ярмак Екатерина Ивановна
Заместитель начальника отдела лечебно-профилактической помощи населению
г. Брест, ул. Красногвардейская, 7 каб. №18, 2-й этаж,
Тел. 58 09 84
Предварительная запись на прием к начальнику главного управления по здравоохранению осуществляется по телефону 57 43 50 в рабочие дни с 9.00 до 13.00, с 14.00 до 17.00 либо по адресу г. Брест, ул. Красногвардейская, 7 этаж. каб. № 21.
Телефон «горячей линии» - 58 09 93. Работает с 9.00-13.00 и 14.00-17.00 (кроме выходных и праздничных дней).
График проведения субботних «прямых телефонных линий» размещен на сайте Министерства здравоохранения Республики Беларусь. Субботняя «прямая телефонная линия» работает с 9.00 до 12.00 по телефону +375(162) 57 43 58.
Книга замечаний и предложений управления здравоохранения находится в каб. 21.
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Почтовый адрес: ул. Красногвардейская, д. 7, г. Брест, 224001